Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy tickets if I’m not showing my car? Everyone is welcome. Just purchase a General Admission Ticket.
What time can I get in? Queue Jump - can arrive from 10am Friday / Weekend Admission - can arrive Friday from 2pm
Gate Closes - Friday 9pm
Weekend Gate re-opens - Saturday 7.30am for those with weekend tickets or those on stands.
Day Gate opens - 9.30am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday for Fast-Track Tickets. (10.30am for on the gate tickets)
Can I stay for the evening entertainment on a day ticket? No Sorry, you need a weekend ticket.
I can’t come until Sat ? That’s ok, 2 show days are Sat & Sun. You only need to arrive in time to be on your stand (if it applies)
Can I play music? Only QUIET music (No Bass) is permitted in the camping areas.
All music should be at a reasonable level so as not to disturb anyone else.
No independent sound systems allowed.
No noise / music is allowed after 9pm in camping.
The evening entertainment is open until till 2am for those who want to stay up and listen to music.
Camping with your car is allowed. Driving around the campsite will not be permitted.
Zero tolerance, you will be removed from site if you are found driving around the campsite.
Donuts, Sliding, Drifting is NOT permitted. Anyone driving in a dangerous manner will have their wristband removed and be escorted from site.
Vehicles will be searched on arrival at the venue for forbidden items. See Forbidden items list Q No.25.
Modified Nationals is a static event. There is no vehicle movement on the grounds between 9am and 5pm Saturday and Sunday. There is a Curfew of 9pm Friday on entry to the campsite for and 9pm Saturday. Once in the campsite vehicle movement is FORBIDDEN unless you are moving your vehicle to your show position.
Can I bring a Caravan/Motorhome? A Reserved camping pitch is recommended. Caravans/Motorhomes will be allowed in the camping areas at no extra charge. However once on site they will not be allowed to move once parked up.
Can I bring a Dog? Dogs are now allowed on site. See our DOG POLICY
You are permitted to bring you own alcohol. (No Glass)
ONLY cans or plastic bottles will be allowed.
NO Glass is allowed on site.
Small BBQ’s are allowed, large BBQ’s, fires or bonfires, camp fires, fire pits are NOT allowed.
ONLY Diesel Generators are allowed. NO stand alone Petrol generators of any description will be permitted on site. No Petrol in cans permitted.If your generator is disturbing others we reserve the right to request that it is turned off.
No generators are allowed after 10pm.
FORBIDDEN ITEMS - No Glass, No Drugs, No fireworks, No Drones, Weapons, Projectiles, Flammables (including petrol cans), Hazardous Substances, No Flares, No CO2, No Fires or Fire Pits, No Household Furniture, (sofas, armchairs etc). No Fridges, No Large items at all. No Unlicensed vehicles, No Sound Systems, Any other items that may cause injury to another person or property or staff/security feel may be detrimental to the event will be confiscated.
There is a dedicated car wash facility. See site map in event programme. Please turn off taps after use.
Toilets - plastic porta loos are located throughout the camp site.
Mains Showers and additional toilets including disabled toilets can be found marked on the map in your programme.
Evening entertainment is open to all ages.
There will be no drugs or underage drinking allowed anywhere at the event anyone caught will be removed from the site with no refund.Zero tolerance on the use of, or the dealing in, of illegal drugs on site, including legal highs. Drug enforcement laws are applicable on this site and SIA security is on site to deal with drug offences in accordance with national guidelines. If you deal in drugs, you will be arrested. Neither anti-social nor illegal behaviour shall be tolerated and participants shall leave themselves liable for evictions form the site and possible prosecution. Experimenting with drugs can lead to adverse reaction. If you do take drugs and you become ill, depressed or frightened, please ask a steward to direct you to our on-site welfare centre which can help and support you.”
Under 18's MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Photo ID is recommended if you are lucky enough to look under 25. You may be refused alcohol sales at the bars if you can not prove your age if challenged.
Quads, Mopeds or similar is not allowed. Motorbikes etc for club stands / displays are permitted.
If you are on a Trade or Club stand you should be on your stand by 9am Saturday and Sunday morning as there is no car movement after 9.30am. No exceptions.
I’m staying in a hotel, can I come back for the night entertainment?You are welcome to return to the showground for the evening entertainment Friday and Saturday. Use Gate 1 after you have your wristband and the carpark is on the left.
Any person involved in physical confrontation with another party or driving in a dangerous manner (including, wheel spinning, ‘donuts’ etc) will be immediately ejected with no prior warning - wristbands will be removed with no refund.
Loud music, foul language, unruliness, etc. will not be tolerated. If a second warning is necessary, you will be escorted off the grounds with no refund.
No Limits Events & Promotions operate a No Refunds Policy. If the event is postponed all tickets will be carried over to the re-scheduled dates.
Can I Record, Film or Take Photos? Modified Nationals is a private event and as such filming is restricted to non-commercial photography (still or moving pictures). Any photos taken or filming done remains the copyright of No Limits Events and Promotions and as such by attending the event you agree that any and all photos/film be used by No Limits Events and Promotions at any time without further communication.
Commercial photography / Photography for profit is forbidden without prior written consent and a fee paid.
Only those booked in as traders are permitted to sell at the show, if you wish to sell please contact us for a booking form. Clubs are permitted to sell their club branded products from their club stands.